Vicasso. We Accelerate Service.

Uncomplicate Your Salesforce® Service Cloud Process

Improve response time. Deliver faster service. Make customers (and users) happier.

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Duplicate Cases or Multiple Issues on One Case

Often, customers contact you about an issue through multiple channels, leading to several duplicate cases being created in Salesforce. Or, a customer brings up a separate issue in your case, so a new case needs to be created. Case Merge Premium and Case Split, both native to Salesforce, can help you detect and merge duplicate cases automatically, or split one case into multiples so your cases stay organized and consistent.

File Attachments Clogging Up the Org

Images like social icons from email signatures create clutter on cases, and support agents waste time trying to find the file they need. File Slayer, an AI-powered app native to Salesforce, automatically eliminates targeted images to improve agent productivity and reduce your Salesforce storage costs.

Need More Customer Feedback

If your customers don’t respond to your surveys, then nothing else about your survey program matters. Simple Survey allows you to create beautiful surveys right within Salesforce, and your customers will actually want to take them. Enjoy higher response rates, collect more data, and make smarter decisions.

Service Process Involves Too Many Clicks & Screens

Each case requires multiple steps to solve: reviewing case history, composing emails with added attachments, and updating case information. Imagine if agents could do all of this in a single view, instead of clicking in and out of different platforms and screens. Simplify communication between departments and customers with Email to Case Premium, native to Salesforce.

Trusted by world-class service teams

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