Making the workday better for your customer service team has never been easier than with Case Flags for Salesforce, where managers and end-users all benefit from a clear view of their workload. Product Director Howard Yermish and Product Manager Thais Pedroso walk you through the ins and outs of Case Flags in their latest Live Stream.
Improving the manager's experience
Managers want to do what's best for their teams, and by understanding each person's workload, they can ensure everyone is working to their best potential. When support agents aren't bogged down with crushing amounts of work, they can provide a more memorable customer experience. Case Flags' Switchboard gives clear insight to managers, allowing them to easily reassign Cases with a quick drag-and-drop.
For example, someone from the team just called in sick, saying they couldn't handle their clients’ Cases for the day. With Switchboard, support managers can quickly reassign their work in seconds, and Case Flags will automatically rebalance them throughout the team, smartly redistributing the work.
This allows managers to keep a closer eye on their team's needs, helping increase employee engagement.

Simplifying the support agent experience
From a support agent perspective, Case Flags is the perfect productivity hack. Gone are the days of figuring out which support Case to work on next. With the Utility Bar component, Case Flags instantly serve up the next Case to work on based on flag, status, and priority, eliminating the need to sift through queues or list views. This ensures that agents tackle customers' most urgent needs, allowing them to be more efficient with their day.
Tracking Initial Response Time
Case Flags also lets managers track key events on Cases, such as priority and status changes, and the time it takes for support agents and clients to respond, by tracking the setting and clearing of the flags. This allows managers to compare how people are doing with processes and how specific functions work for the team.
Reporting also gets a boost when managers customize the packaged Case Flags reports by adding key fields from the Case Object and combining it with Salesforce's bucketing capability.
With quick access to data that empowers managers, reporting helps identify coaching opportunities, events where teams can be rewarded, or even make more informed hiring decisions.
Check out the other ways Case Flags can support your team through the end of the year. View the replay below and chat with an expert.
View Case Flags video live stream below